Testing AI at Šumperk Hospital!

Since March this year, we have been testing the artificial intelligence system at the Radiodiagnostic Department of Šumperk Hospital. The system helps read X-ray images, and in six months, 3500 images have passed through it.

We implemented the AI system directly into OR-CZ's MARIE PACS system, the system in which doctors normally work. As a result, they don't have to change their workflow.

The benefits for the doctors? Accuracy and great time savings. The local team confirms the benefit in quickly separating images into those with and without findings. This enables efficient prioritization of high-risk images. AI shows great benefit for young doctors, giving them the necessary confidence and the opportunity to validate their assessment of the images. ​​Even for more experienced radiologists, AI can serve as a second pair of eyes, highlighting the smallest, hard-to-see findings in complex images.

The great news is that AI shows potential for use in other departments as well. Šumperk Hospital is the first hospital in the Czech Republic to extend testing to internal medicine departments.

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